Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday for so many reasons, the food, the football, the family dysfuntionality. One of the perks of being an elementary teacher is the inventive ways teachers and parents dream up to bring such celebrations into the classroom (and into my stomach)

Behold, the pot simmering away in a nearby First Grade classroom.

I was alerted by the smell, I was soon investigating, camera in hand.

Before you could say "Thank you Sarah" this delicious bowl of Stone Soup landed upon my busy desk.

There were many other splendid offerings throughout the building but this soup was my favourite.

Thank you First Grade Friends!


Wisdom Weasel said...

Oh, man; all our kids made today were dog biscuits for the local animal shelter. No snacking for me, alas.

Anonymous said...

I remember doing that lesson when I worked in first grade. It's the cutest thing and dont worry the stone is washed thoroughly!
