Well I'd like to turn that all around and applaud my UK tenant.
He lived in my house for the last five years, paid on the nail each month and apart from a small hole in the roof and a broken shower, caused no problems at all.
And this, this my friends, is the best bit.
Mr Tenant left things as he found them. by this I mean that my old bike 'The Lady' was discovered by my sister (who very kindly took the picture of the interior of my shed) hanging in EXACTLY the same place where I left it OVER FIVE YEARS AGO!!
If you look you can also see the blue plastic box of bike bits what I will attempt to use to restore it with!
I have a project!!!! the restoration of 'The Lady'!!
It appears I will miss you because, unforeseen circumstances aside, I will not be returning to New York until mid August.
I expect someone to hoist a pint in my name when you say your farewells.
I shall dedicate the restoration of 'The Lady' to the good burgers of Austin, Tx.
Just as soon as I've painted the house, refitted carpets, deloused the bathroom, restored the kitchen, found a job, got a doctor, you get the idea.
I stlll owe you and Frau random Doubt a dinner!!!!!!!
We need to coordinate this pronto!!
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