Thursday, May 06, 2010

Electoral strategy

OK, looking like a hung parliament.
High turnout turning the count into a slow one.
Twin babies asleep upstairs.

I'm going to turn in, if the exit polls are to be believed, it's not the next couple of hours that will prove interesting but the next couple of days. By the time I wake at 5.30am the results will still be coming in and deals being struck.


Jesica david said...
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trassydicosta said...
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Emily Fabpants said...

I had the whole tactical debate conversation in my head. On realising how pointless it was, I voted Green and with my heart. My friend who works for the Labour Party in Brussels said "Hove is lost..." He was right.

I am glad to think that I voted Green and my next door neighbours in Brighton did so in force! And Caroline Lucas is coming to our 'new' building launch next week. Bigging up our little charity that's just got its own home. I will smile at our first Green MP.

I spent the weekend at a festival and heard not one word about the election until finding myself back work on Tuesday. It was a lovely break from endless conversations based on conjecture.

Now it's done. I hope your vote sits well in your heart and we have a 'well hung' government.

Chai said...
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