Monday, February 16, 2009

Catch a breath...

... we're potty training the wee hen.

It's only Monday but it's already turning into a very long week.
Every twenty minutes the bell goes and we clap our hands and dance and sing "IT'S POTTY TIME!!!"
Then one of us joins him in the loo with a massive Richard Scarry book whilst he does whatever he decides to do.

Mostly he joins in the routine, sometimes he does not.

It's one way to pass the day.

There has been bribery.


Wisdom Weasel said...

"Every twenty minutes the bell goes and we clap our hands and dance and sing "IT'S POTTY TIME!!!""

Your life has become a Michael Bentine show.

Mondale said...

I had to google Michael Bentine.
I'm sorry.

Wisdom Weasel said...

You are fake English, or grew up in an ITV household.

Mondale said...

I grew up in a BBC household. In the 1980s.