Sunday, March 11, 2012

North Norfolk

The weekend was all about retreating to the North Norfolk coast, walking, eating and a little bit of drinking. Some of us arrived on Friday night, some others turned up during the Saturday.

Holkham Woods.

The main idea was to catch up, hang out, do some walking and relaxing. We stuck pretty close to these guiding principles, we also drank a few beers.

Holkham beach, looking east.
We hit the beach at Holkham.

Following the walking (Holkham estate, Holkham beach, wells Beach and into Wells) we messed about in Wells.
After a flurry of text messages and gabbled calls, we found ourselves a Cumpstey.
Wells next the Sea.
We ate ice cream and watched birds. Good times.

Cley beach.
Photo call on Cley beach.
Cumpstey with essential supplies in Holt.

Later that night we returned to Holt to show the locals how it's done. We ate some daunting but delicious ribs and closed down the roughest pub in town. A great weekend full of beer and food.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Simple pleasures

A cold beer on a Thursday night, an evening on the cusp of early spring.
Indulging in that most particularly British passion, listening to one's favourite radio station.
A delightful sense of getting away with it.