Saturday, September 18, 2004

Conversations overheard by a British immigrant.

I was talking to a third grader about history.
He is a recent immigrant from India and he had a limited knowledge of American history.
I asked him if he knew anything about Indian history.
He responded that he had visited Gandhi's home when he lived in India.
An American kid next to him asked who this Gandhi guy was.
Another kid (also of Indian descent) joined in the conversation, "Gandhi got rid of the British, he did it without guns or an army".
1st Indian kid " Yeah, he just got everyone to ignore the British".
Both Indian kids " Yeah, they just ignored them".
At which point I was duly and very deliberately ignored.


Listmaker said...

so that is all i have to do to get you to shut up? ignore you? i'll have to keep that in mind.

youthlarge said...

i laughed when dan told me this story the other day and i laughed again when i just read it.

Wisdom Weasel said...

I've long advocated non-violent ignoring as a means of civil protest.

Unfortunately when you try it with Citibank they call a collection agency and take your car away.